I Remember

I’ve decided, spur of the moment, that my dear Lottie keeps a journal. She could totally be the type to journal, and, on top of it, have crocheted a cover of sorts for it too.

I’m actually quite good at thinking about blogging things. Unfortunately, that does not translate to actually being good at blogging, because I rarely ever make those thoughts into words and have them written. Judging by that alone, my journal would be quite sad and even more neglected than this blog (which is a challenge in itself, I believe) — on top of that, I would have to handwrite and that’s just not a pretty sight to see, much less have to read at a later date.

Still, I think it would be fun to document a few entries in her journal, things that sort of came up, or came to me, and needed to be expressed.

I asked why people write before, and one of the common reasons was that there was something within them that needed to be told, or that they wanted to read something that wasn’t available, so they’ll write it instead. The third reason is characters who refuse to shut up. That’s Lottie at the moment, in my head, narrating scenes and her feelings.

Maybe if I write out these thoughts she could give me a moment’s peace.

Journal Entry
Must use:
Trying not to notice the ex’s birthday.
I have a fairly thin grip on reality to begin with.
I shared too much. I want all of my secrets back.

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The Very Thought of You

Ah, the pre-NaNo panic prep. It’s that time of the year again, and instead of writing yesterday, I slept for fourteen hours instead. Not only that, but I’ve spent most of the year without a real job, and only once it came to October did I find a job. I’ve got such great timing.

It’s good to make money, though, so I can’t really complain. Also, with my work ending at 2130, it gives me time to do NaNo events at night again!

For prep today, this was a post started a while ago but seemed appropriate to finish up now that it’s properly October. I don’t really have a start to this, but it’s (technically) day one of NaNo prep, so I’ll get warmed up and hopefully, it’ll be less awkward over time.
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Romantic Ovetures?

Day two. I’m going to try to make these less me being chatty and more character chatty, so off we go!

Side note: I’m not totally sure what Dom’s profession actually is yet. In Arcondra, he’s the Steward of the city. In this world… well, let’s just say he’s a mayor for now. I’ll figure it out.

Do they seek out love or let it find them? Are they even interested in romance?

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